RCMP Accredited Fingerprint Company For Clients Within Canada & Overseas.

1-844-447-2485 | (604) 447-2485 | contact@thefingerprintroom.com


我公司 The Fingerprint Room Inc. 持有加拿大皇家骑警认证 (RCMP Accreditation),从加拿大移民局(IRCC)在 2021 年二月启动 Hong Kong Pathway 这一渠道后,我公司为大量在大温地区和卡尔加里的香港居民提供了用于办理香港良民证 (CNCC) 的指纹服务。 需要我公司服务的申请人可以查看过往客户制作的YouTube视频短片,其中列出了详细的预约步骤与注意事项:Youtube 香港警察是否接受我公司提供的指纹? 我公司是持有RCMP(皇家骑警)认证(RCMP Accreditation),属于香港警察所定义的获海外执法机构授权的商业机构。授权合法为加拿大境内与境外的申请人提供指纹采集与无犯罪记录证明的服务。 我公司提供的指纹格式是否符合香港警察的要求? 用于申请香港良民证的指纹,我公司通过扫描仪电子采集将指纹录入系统后,会打印到纸质的RCMP C216C指纹卡上,我们的工作人员会在指纹卡上签字并盖章。 完整的指纹卡上将会包括一下内容: 申请人每根手指的指纹,包括左右手的四指与拇指平印 申请人的全名 我工作人员的签名 带有我机构全名与地址的印章 采集指纹的日期 同时,申请人也可以自行前往我公司首页下载皇家骑警颁发的授权信(RCMP Accreditation Letter),作为补充材料一起递交给香港警方。 指纹录好后接下来该如何操作? 我公司目前不提供香港良民证的全程代办服务,但可提供国际特快的材料邮寄服务,最快3天送到香港。如果您需要此项服务,请咨询我们的工作人员。 如果您需要我们的协助,您可以在我们网站上预约前来我公司办公室。 大温地区的客户可以来我们列治文的办公室,预约链接是:Richmond, BC 卡尔加里周边的客户可以来我们卡尔加里东南区的办公室:Calgary, Alberta [...]

How Long Are Canadian Background Checks Valid For?

There are two main types of Canadian background checks, one is conducted based on the name and date of birth of an individual, and the other one is produced by RCMP using the individual’s fingerprints. Neither has a set expiry date. While both RCMP and Municipal polices in Canada do not set expiry dates on the Canadian [...]

What Type Of Fingerprints Are Acceptable For RCMP?

When applying for a Canadian criminal record check from outside of Canada, it is important to make sure the fingerprints are taken in the correct format to avoid any unnecessary delays to the process. For a RCMP fingerprint based certified criminal record check, the fingerprints should be taken on the RCMP C216C fingerprint form. The [...]

Why You Need To Apply For A US Entry Waiver

If you were determined inadmissible to the US but need to travel to the US for work, personal, or family reasons, you will need to be granted a US entry waiver in order to enter the US legally. One of the common reasons for Canadians to be found inadmissible to the US is having a criminal record. [...]

How to Apply for a RCMP Criminal Record Check Online?

If you are living outside of Canada right now, the easiest way to obtain a RCMP criminal record check is to complete an online application. Every step of the process can be completed online with the exception of obtaining your fingerprints. To obtain a RCMP criminal record check online, just simply follow the steps below: Apply [...]

What is Global Affairs Canada Authentication?

Global Affairs Canada authentication is a red stamp with an official’s signature on the front of an original, unaltered Canadian document. Authentication with Global Affairs is sometimes necessary before you can use a Canadian document in a foreign country for purposes such as visas, immigration, citizenship, and employment. The document for authentication must have an original, recognized signature or seal. [...]

Do I Need To Provide Request Letter For Fingerprinting?

If you have lived in a foreign country for a significant amount of time (generally 6 months for Canadian immigration), you can be requested to provide a police certificate when you apply for employment, visa, or immigration. If you choose to have your fingerprints taken for that purpose at a RCMP accredited fingerprint company, then you do not need a [...]

What Is the Document Control Number (DCN) on Your RCMP Criminal Record Check?

If you are asked to obtain an RCMP criminal record check for employment or visa purposes, you may be required to submit a Document Control Number (DCN) to your employer or department. A DCN is a series of 20-digit numbers associated with your RCMP criminal record check. This number is generated after your fingerprints have been submitted to the RCMP [...]

How to Overcome Criminal Inadmissibility to Canada?

Any foreign national that has a criminal record can be found inadmissible and thus barred entry into Canada. If you have a criminal record and need to enter Canada, you may be able to request entry under Criminal Rehabilitation. Criminal Rehabilitation means that the Canadian government finds that you no longer pose a risk of danger. As a result, [...]

How to obtain Canadian Name-Based Police Check Online?

A name-based police check, commonly called a CPIC check, is a quick way to obtain a Canadian police check. CPIC checks are conducted by a local police agency and uses only the name and date of birth of the applicant to search for any charges or criminal activity. The Fingerprint Room Inc. provides physical hardcopy CPIC check certificates within 24-48 [...]

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