RCMP Accredited Fingerprint Company For Clients Within Canada & Overseas.

1-844-447-2485 | (604) 447-2485 | contact@thefingerprintroom.com

How to Obtain Canadian Police Clearance from Calgary AB?

Are you currently living in Calgary and require fingerprinting services for a Canadian police clearance for your visa, citizenship, immigration, employment, licensing, security clearance, Canadian record suspension, US wavier, legal name change, etc.? The Fingerprint Room is here to assist you! We are accredited by the RCMP, allowing for a fast and direct transmission of your fingerprints for a RCMP [...]

New Updates: Canadian RCMP Police Clearance Certificate for Name Change BC for Minors

As of September 1, 2024, BC Vital Statistics Agency updated the mandatory documentations for those who are changing their names legally in British Columbia. Before the change, only adults 19 and above are required to provide a Canadian RCMP police clearance for a name change application in BC. Now, this requirement is applicable to youths 12 and above. [...]

How Far Back does my Canadian Police Clearance Certificate Cover?

There are two kinds of Canadian police clearance certificate: name-based and fingerprint-based. A name-based police clearance certificate is conducted using the applicant’s name and date-of-birth while a RCMP fingerprint-based police clearance is conducted using one’s fingerprints. There is no difference in the time period that is covered in both kinds of police clearances. Canadian police [...]

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Recommendation-Reclamation of Indigenous Names

BC Vital Statistics announced that residential school survivor or their family member, or an individual impacted by the Sixties Scoop, may be eligible to receive a legal change of name through the Vital Statistics Agency, including a waiver of legislated fees. In addition, new birth certificate and/or marriage can also be issued free of charge after the name change is [...]

How to obtain Canadian Name-Based Police Check Online?

A name-based police check, commonly called a CPIC check, is a quick way to obtain a Canadian police check. CPIC checks are conducted by a local police agency and uses only the name and date of birth of the applicant to search for any charges or criminal activity. The Fingerprint Room Inc. provides physical hardcopy CPIC check certificates within 24-48 [...]

The First Indigenous-Owned Fingerprinting Agency in Canada

The Fingerprint Room Inc. is proud to state that we are Provincially and Federally registered with the BC Metis Nation and the Federal Indigenous Business Registry of Canada. As the only accredited RCMP fingerprinting agencies across Canada that is Metis-owned, we are excited to provide our fingerprinting services and give back to the Indigenous communities for years to come! [...]

Types of criminal background checks in Canada

There are two types of criminal record checks in Canada that will determine if a person has been charged or convicted of a crime: Name-based criminal record checks Using names and dates of birth is the most common way to check a person's criminal history. Name-based criminal record checks are done checking against the RCMP's Canadian Police Information [...]


需要在艾伯塔省合法更改您的姓名? 您可以合法地更改您的姓名,以修改您的出生证明或其他官方文件上出现的正式姓名。为此,您必须遵循必要的步骤。 在阿尔伯塔省申请合法更名的步骤之一是获得电子指纹确认和犯罪记录检查,并与其他支持文件一起提交。我们位于卡尔加里东南部的办公室提供指纹和背景调查服务,可帮助您同时获取这两种文件。 只需致电我们或访问我们的网站进行预约。这些服务也可在我们位于不列颠哥伦比亚省列治文的办公室获得。您可以在下面轻松找到必要的联系信息。 For domestic clients, contact us at: 604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: 1-844-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at a location near you: https://thefingerprintroom.com/book-now/ To book an appointment at Richmond, BC: https://thefingerprintroom.com/richmond-b-c/ To book an [...]

How to get fingerprints for name change in Alberta?

Need to legally change your name in Alberta? You can legally change your name to make amendments towards your official name as it appears on your birth certificate or other official documents. To do so, you must follow the necessary steps. One of the steps towards a legal name change application in Alberta is [...]

如何在 BC 省为改名申请做无犯罪记录证明?

BC 省改名申请的申请人需要提供一份根据指纹出具的无犯罪记录证明作为申请材料。RCMP 在收到 您提交的指纹后会把无犯罪记录证明做好并直接寄去维多利亚的 Vital Statistics。您只需要提供我 们公司的收据便可满足申请材料要求。 无论您当前所住的城市在哪里,所有BC省改名的申请人都可以来我们办公室录指纹。同时我们的 员工中有一位宣誓官,可在您的申请表格上签字,使整个申请流程更加便捷。 在里士满地点与我们在线预约 点击这里。 For domestic clients, contact us at: 604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: 1-844-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at Richmond, BC: https://thefingerprintroom.com/richmond-b-c/ To book an appointment [...]

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