RCMP Accredited Fingerprint Company For Clients Within Canada & Overseas.

1-844-447-2485 | (604) 447-2485 | contact@thefingerprintroom.com

How to get RCMP Certified Criminal Record Check For the US

A RCMP Certified Criminal Record Check is normally requested for US visa, green card or citizenship applications if you have lived in Canada for an accumulation of more than 6 months. This check is produced based on fingerprints. As an RCMP accredited fingerprinting agency, The Fingerprint Room Inc. can digitize your fingerprints and submit them to the RCMP’s Canadian Criminal [...]

Where to get Canadian Police Clearance Check in Singapore?

If you are residing in Singapore, you can obtain a Canadian Police Clearance Check (CPCC) with the Fingerprint Room Inc. A CPCC is a fingerprint-based background check issued by RCMP that can be used to ensure that you did not partake in any criminal activity while living in Canada. The Fingerprint Room Inc. is an accredited RCMP fingerprinting agency. This [...]


如果您在阿联酋,需要获取加拿大的无犯罪记录证明,可以联系 The Fingerprint Room Inc.  办理。 加拿大 RCMP 皇家骑警出具的无犯罪记录证明是以指纹为基础检索的。作为持有RCMP认证的指纹机构,本公司可以数字化您的指纹, 并直接上传给 RCMP。这份无犯罪记录证明可被用于您的 PR,入籍,和其他签证的申请。 申请的流程很简单,您只需要完成我们的在线申请表格,并提供给我们一份格式正确的指纹卡原件,以及两份由政府签发的有效证件的扫描件。您可以在迪拜,阿布扎比等城市的警察局或者公证处完成指纹的采录。 指纹采录完成后,请先将扫描件发给我们以确认格式是否符合要求。如果符合要求,我们会通知您把指纹卡原件寄来我们在加拿大列治文的办公室,我们会把该原件上传给 RCMP。指纹上传后,结果会在 5 到 10 个工作日内做出。我们会安排快递将结果寄到您提供的邮寄地址。 您可以通过此链接完成我们的在线申请: RCMP Criminal Background Check Application 或直接电话联系本公司。我们的电话是: 1-844-447-2485. 您也可添加我们的微信号 ID: fingerprintroom. For domestic clients, contact us at: +1-604-447-2485 For [...]

Canadian Police Certificate in United Arab Emirates (UAE)

If you are residing in the UAE, but in need of a police clearance certificate (PCC) from Canada. The Fingerprint Room can assist you! A Canadian PCC is a fingerprint-based background check, commonly called a RCMP certified criminal record check.  As an accredited RCMP fingerprinting agency, The Fingerprint Room can digitize your fingerprints and submit them to the RCMP’s Canadian [...]

How to get Canadian Criminal Record Check in China

Canadian Criminal Record Check (CCRC) is needed for Canadian Citizenship, Permanent Residency (PR), or visa application, if you have lived in Canada for more than 6 months. A CCRC is a fingerprint-based background check RCMP. To obtain a CCRC is efficient and easy with the Fingerprint Room Inc. The Fingerprint Room Inc. is an accredited RCMP fingerprinting [...]

如何从韩国申请加拿 大 RCMP 皇家骑警带指纹无犯罪记录证明

目前居住在韩国的申请人可通过本公司 The Fingerprint Room Inc. 申请。韩国的很多警察局提供实时电子指纹扫描服务。申请人可通过这些警察局将指纹采集完成,并把纸质原件邮寄到我们在 BC 省列治文的办公室开始无犯罪记录的申请。 本公司也提供韩国驻加拿大大使馆的领事认证、公证服务,面向需要申请韩国留学工作、居留、签证的客户。 如果您有其他的问题或是想了解更多有关我们服务的详细信息,可以通过邮件或者电话联系我们。 For domestic clients, contact us at: +1-604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: +1-844-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at a location near you: https://thefingerprintroom.com/book-now/ [...]

How to obtain RCMP criminal record checks from South Korea

Applicants who are currently living in South Korea can apply with The Fingerprint Room Inc. for their Canadian RCMP criminal record checks. Many police stations in South Korea offer livescan fingerprinting services. Applicants can have their fingerprints taken at these police stations and mail the hardcopy printout to our office in Richmond BC to start the process. [...]

When is a police clearance certificate for Canada PR required?

CIC can require you and any family members (aged 18 years old and over) for a police clearance certificate. If you are applying for permanent residence, then you will most likely have to submit it. Here is a short list of PR programs that require police certification: Express Entry International Experience Candidate Provincial Nomine Programs Other immigration and citizenship [...]

Police Certificate Canada (CIC) Needs for Immigration Canada(IRCC)

Police certificates are very important if you are trying to become a permanent resident. The police certificate Canada immigration authorities demand must: Contain all relevant information (name, date of birth and more) Be issued by the appropriate authority in your country Be written in English or French (or be accompanied by a valid translation) Not have a disclaimer stating [...]

How long does an RCMP background check take?

RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) are the federal and national police across Canada and they provide different services. One of the services the RCMP provides is a Certified Criminal Record Check using fingerprints for various occasions such as Canadian Immigration, foreign immigration, employment and more. The Fingerprint Room Inc. is one of the best Canadian [...]

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