RCMP Accredited Fingerprint Company For Clients Within Canada & Overseas.

1-844-447-2485 | (604) 447-2485 | contact@thefingerprintroom.com

How should I get the criminal record check for Ontario College of Teachers?

All applicants to the Ontario College of Teachers need to submit an original criminal record check. We can help you obtain the most accurate and comprehensive Canadian criminal record check through RCMP’s police database. The report will be produced based on your fingerprints, and the result can be forwarded to the College directly. If you have an application number, [...]


需要在艾伯塔省合法更改您的姓名? 您可以合法地更改您的姓名,以修改您的出生证明或其他官方文件上出现的正式姓名。为此,您必须遵循必要的步骤。 在阿尔伯塔省申请合法更名的步骤之一是获得电子指纹确认和犯罪记录检查,并与其他支持文件一起提交。我们位于卡尔加里东南部的办公室提供指纹和背景调查服务,可帮助您同时获取这两种文件。 只需致电我们或访问我们的网站进行预约。这些服务也可在我们位于不列颠哥伦比亚省列治文的办公室获得。您可以在下面轻松找到必要的联系信息。 For domestic clients, contact us at: 604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: 1-844-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at a location near you: https://thefingerprintroom.com/book-now/ To book an appointment at Richmond, BC: https://thefingerprintroom.com/richmond-b-c/ To book an [...]

How to get fingerprints for name change in Alberta?

Need to legally change your name in Alberta? You can legally change your name to make amendments towards your official name as it appears on your birth certificate or other official documents. To do so, you must follow the necessary steps. One of the steps towards a legal name change application in Alberta is [...]

如何在 BC 省为改名申请做无犯罪记录证明?

BC 省改名申请的申请人需要提供一份根据指纹出具的无犯罪记录证明作为申请材料。RCMP 在收到 您提交的指纹后会把无犯罪记录证明做好并直接寄去维多利亚的 Vital Statistics。您只需要提供我 们公司的收据便可满足申请材料要求。 无论您当前所住的城市在哪里,所有BC省改名的申请人都可以来我们办公室录指纹。同时我们的 员工中有一位宣誓官,可在您的申请表格上签字,使整个申请流程更加便捷。 在里士满地点与我们在线预约 点击这里。 For domestic clients, contact us at: 604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: 1-844-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at Richmond, BC: https://thefingerprintroom.com/richmond-b-c/ To book an appointment [...]

How to get fingerprinted for legal name change in BC?

Applicants for a legal name change in BC will be required to have their fingerprints taken for a criminal record check as part of the application process. After your fingerprints are transmitted to RCMP, they will produce the criminal record check and send the result directly to Vital Statistics Agency in Victoria BC. You can then submit the invoice [...]

如何办理美国金融业监管局 (FINRA) 需要的无犯罪记录证明 ?

美国金融业监管局要求所有成员公司机构在招聘或其他人事调动前完成申请人的犯罪记录背景调查。我公司为加拿大境内外的相关公司与个人提供电子指纹采集与背景调查服务。我们收到 CRD 编码与申请人指纹后便可处理申请。结果会在三天内发往 FINRA。 其他地区的申请人可在当地录好指纹后把指纹卡寄来我公司办理。 For domestic clients, contact us at: 604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: 1-844-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at a location near you: https://thefingerprintroom.com/book-now/

How To Get Your Background Check For FINRA?

FINRA, or Financial Authority Regulatory Industry in the US requires all member firms to conduct criminal background check on new and transferring employees. The Fingerprint Room Inc. offers digital fingerprinting and background checks for firms and individual applicants inside and outside of Canada. We will be able to process the application as soon as we have the CRD number [...]

How to Get a Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from Canada while Living in Hong Kong

To obtain a Canadian Certificate of No Criminal Conviction for Canadian Permanent Residency or Citizenship, while residing in Hong Kong, requires fingerprints and a photograph to be submitted to the RCMP. To submit the application, you will be requested to have a full set of fingerprints taken and certified by the police or notary agency where you are residing. [...]

加拿大皇家骑警 RCMP 无犯罪记录证明是什么?

加拿大皇家骑警RCMP无犯罪记录证明是基于指纹与皇家骑警CCRTIS数据库中的犯罪记录比对后出具的。由于每个人指纹的独特性,此类无犯罪记录证明较仅以姓名和生日为基础的无犯罪记录证明更加精确。申请加拿大的签证,永久居民PR和入籍时,移民局只会接受 RCMP 无犯罪记录证明。各国的移民局与签证官在要求提供无犯罪记录证明时也往往会要求 RCMP 出具的指纹无犯罪记录证明。 加拿大境外的申请人若要申请 RCMP 无犯罪记录证明,请前往您当地的警察局或公证处采集指纹。指纹采集完成后将原件寄给本公司,本公司持有皇家骑警认证授权以及与 CCRTIS 犯罪记录数据库的直连权限,可为您全程办理。 在大温地区,卡尔加里,日本东京或大阪的申请人若要办理RCMP无犯罪记录证明,可随时通过电话或在线预约一个时间前来我们办公室当面办理,最后的结果将会邮寄给您。 For domestic clients, contact us at: 604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: 1-844-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at a location near you: https://thefingerprintroom.com/book-now/ [...]


由于中国国内的大多数派出所和公安局不提供指纹采录服务,为了方便客户在所在地公证处采录指纹,本公司根据以往实际经验总结了通过公证处采录指纹的便捷流程,提供给目前在中国国内的加拿大 RCMP 无犯罪记录和美国 FBI 无犯罪记录的申请人,以供参考。 首先在我公司网站上下载指纹卡和样本。申请加拿大 RCMP 无犯罪记录者请下载 C216 指纹卡,申请美国FBI无犯罪记录者请下载 FD258 指纹卡。指纹卡请使用A4号纸黑白打印,按照表格要求用英文填写申请人信息。 在公证处申请人可选择让公证人采集指纹或自行在公证员见证下采录。请使用黑色墨水,确保指纹格式与样本上的一致。国内大部分公证处不会在指纹卡上签名盖章,只做指纹卡的公证信。最后的公证书应包括采录的指纹和附有英文翻译的公证书。 公证书办理完成后,请先把指纹卡拍照并发给我公司客服审核,经确认后,请按照要求将公证书原件寄出。 我公司网站上列有国内公证处地址,请查询。 相关链接: C216 指纹卡 FD-258 指纹卡 国内公证处列表:https://thefingerprintroom.com/ch-china/ For domestic clients, contact us at: 604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: [...]

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