RCMP Accredited Fingerprint Company For Clients Within Canada & Overseas.

1-844-447-2485 | contact@thefingerprintroom.com

Authentication, Legalization, and Consular Services

Authentications or legalizations are used to certify the validity of the signature on the document and identify the stamp or seal used on said document. If you are relocating or travelling to another country, you may be requested by a foreign embassy or consulate for an authenticated or legalized document to certify your entry. We can authenticate documents such [...]


加拿大公民在申请中国的工作签证或者永久居留时往往会被要求提供加拿大无犯罪记录证明,而外国文件要在中国境内使用的话需要先经过中国驻外使领馆认证。认证的文件要求是无犯罪记录证明原件,护照复印件,以及领事认证申请表格原件。 请注意申请人必须将申请表格的原件邮寄到我们在Richmond的办公室,否则我们将无法帮您办理。 *请使用黑色水笔或钢笔填写表格 第一部分: 填写申请人的个人信息 如果申请人目前是退休或无业,请写“退休”或者“无业” 身份证件种类:请填写护照,并在身份证件号码中填写您的护照号码 家庭住址,住宅电话和手机,请填写中国的地址和电话号码 第二部分: 请不要填写此部分 第三部分: 请勾选您提交做公证的文件。如果您需要公证您的无犯罪记录证明,请勾选无犯罪记录证明 第四部分: 办理目的请根据您的实际情况勾选文件使用地请填写将要在中国提交文件的城市 第五部分: 提交材料中请填写护照复印件份数请填写1份  第六部分: 办理时间,请选择普通(4个工作日)。由于疫情原因中国大使馆不再提供加急与特急服务 第七部分: 请不要填写此部分 第八部分: 请使用黑色水笔或钢笔签名签名日期必须是提交认证申请前的六个月之内 中文认证表样本 For direct contact, call us at: 604-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com [...]

How to fill out the Chinese Embassy Authentication Form

Canadians applying for Chinese work visa or permanent residents are required to provide their RCMP criminal record check. For a foreign document to be used in China, the document will need to be legalized/authenticated by the Chinese embassy. Document requirement of this authentication process is the original hard copy of your document, a copy of your passport and the [...]

Authentication 101 – Chinese Embassy Authentication for Canadian Documents

As China and Canada become more and more connected, many Canadians are looking toward staying or working in China. Prior to submitting the required documents as requested by the Chinese Government, often times the documents will need to be authenticated by the Chinese Embassy in Canada first if they are issued in Canada. To begin, the approximate processing time [...]

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