RCMP Accredited Fingerprint Company For Clients Within Canada & Overseas.

1-844-447-2485 | contact@thefingerprintroom.com

How to get fingerprinted in the US for Canadian RCMP criminal record check?

Applicants in the US can visit their local police station, sheriff’s department, or private fingerprinting companies to have their fingerprints taken for their RCMP criminal record check. Our website listed out a few locations in various states: https://thefingerprintroom.com/fingerprinting-services-united-states-of-america/ Fingerprinting agencies in the US will often have the standard FD-258 fingerprint form, for the convenience of our [...]


目前或过去曾在香港居住过的申请人在申请其他国家与地区的签证,移民,工作时往往需要提供香港无犯罪记录证明。不在香港的申请人需要就近在当地采集指纹后将指纹原件寄回香港才可申请。 The Fingerprint Room Inc.为居住在加拿大大温地区卡尔加里地区,日本东京大阪等地附近的申请人提供当面指纹采集服务。近几年来越来越多的当地客户联系我们提供用于申请香港无犯罪记录证明的指纹采集服务。您的指纹将由经验丰富的专业人士采集。电话联系我们或通过我们的网站直接预约。 For domestic clients, contact us at: 604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: 1-844-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at a location near you: https://thefingerprintroom.com/book-now/

Fingerprinting For Hong Kong No Criminal Conviction

Former and current Hong Kong resident will be asked to provide a Hong Kong certificate of no criminal conviction when applying for another country or region’s visa, immigration, and employment opportunities. Applicants outside of Hong Kong will need to have their fingerprints taken locally, and mail the fingerprint hardcopy back to Hong Kong for their application. [...]


本公司是大温地区与卡尔加里地区唯一可同时为美国FBI无犯罪记录证明采集指纹并全程代理申请的公司。持有美国绿卡或护照的申请人在申请日后24小时内便可收到证明,非美国绿卡护照的客户在申请日后平均两周之内可获得证明。 本公司通过美国FBI官方认证授权的渠道可全程网上办理,为您省去书面文件和指纹卡的填写邮寄,节省大量时间,您只需要本人前来我们办事处采集指纹即可,通过实时扫描仪采集的指纹较其他方式更加清楚。最终结果将通过email形式电子版发给您。 大温地区的申请人可通过这个链接在线预约:https://thefingerprintroom.com/richmond-b-c/ 卡尔加里地区的申请人可通过这个链接在线预约:  https://thefingerprintroom.com/calgary-ab-canada/ For domestic clients, contact us at: 604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: 1-844-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at a location near you: https://thefingerprintroom.com/book-now/ To apply for FBI Identity [...]

FBI Identity History Summary Check in Greater Vancouver Area and Calgary region

The Fingerprint Room Inc. is the only company in Greater Vancouver Area, and Calgary region that can both take fingerprints and help with the entire application process for American FBI Identity History Summary Check. Applicants with US green card or citizenship will receive the result within 24 hours after the appointment date; former/current workers, students and visitors to the US [...]


中国的派出所和公安局一般情况下不会提供指纹采集业务。在中国的申请人可联系所在城市的公证处采集指纹。本公司的网站上列出了一些过往客户采集过指纹的地点,申请人可通过此链接查看:https://thefingerprintroom.com/ch-china/ 指纹卡和样本可在本公司网站上下载:https://thefingerprintroom.com/ch-forms/。采集指纹时请使用黑色墨水,在C216表格上按照我们提供的样本上的指纹格式采集指纹。 指纹采集完成后请公证人员在指纹卡上相应的栏内签字盖章。如果公证人员不能签字盖章则将指纹卡做公证即可。在这之后,请先将指纹卡扫描件发到本公司邮箱审查格式。确认格式正确后本公司会邮件通知申请人将原件寄来列治文的办公室。 For domestic clients, contact us at: 604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: 1-844-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at a location near you: https://thefingerprintroom.com/book-now/ To apply for the fingerprint based RCMP criminal background check: [...]

How to get fingerprints taken in China

Police stations in China normally do no offer fingerprinting services. Applicants in China can contact their local notary office instead for fingerprinting. We have listed out a few locations where some of our past clients have visited, applicants can check them out via this link: https://thefingerprintroom.com/ch-china/ Fingerprint card and sample fingerprints can be downloaded from our website: [...]


加拿大移民局(IRCC)在审理加拿大永久居留申请时会要求申请人在一定时间内提供加拿大RCMP出具的带指纹的无犯罪记录证明。在大温地区或者卡尔加里周边的申请人可以预约前来本公司当面采集指纹;加拿大境外的客户则需要按照RCMP的标准在当地警察或公证处采集指纹后并将指纹原件寄来。RCMP皇家骑警在收到本公司电子上传的指纹后一般需要5到10个工作日完成无犯罪记录证明并将结果寄回,但是受疫情影响处理流程可能有所拖延。 本公司虽然可为申请人提供可用于向移民局申请延期的证明材料,但是考虑到移民局对材料的严格要求以及骑警和加拿大邮政的不稳定因素,强烈建议无论是加拿大境内还是境外的申请人,如果有意向申请加拿大永居,最好提前办理加拿大RCMP无犯罪记录证明(无犯罪记录证明的有效期一般是六个月)。 For domestic clients, contact us at: 604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: 1-844-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at a location near you: https://thefingerprintroom.com/book-now/ To apply for the fingerprint based RCMP criminal background check: https://thefingerprintroom.com/rcmp-criminal-background-check-application/

Why We Recommend Canadian PR Applicants Obtain Their RCMP Criminal Record Checks in Advance.

When IRCC process applications for Canadian permanent residency, applicants will need provide RCMP certified fingerprint based criminal record check within a certain timeframe. Applicants in Greater Vancouver BC, or around Calgary AB can make an appointment at our office and have their fingerprints taken in person. Applicants outside of Canada will need to have their fingerprints taken locally at a [...]

How to get your name-based Canadian Police Check

What is a name-based Canadian Police Check? A name-based Canadian police check is a fast and easy way for you to obtain a Canadian police check from anywhere at any time. Name check uses information made available in the nationwide criminal data base, Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). Clients who applied with The Fingerprint Room [...]

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