RCMP Accredited Fingerprint Company For Clients Within Canada & Overseas.

1-844-447-2485 | contact@thefingerprintroom.com

如何从韩国申请加拿 大 RCMP 皇家骑警带指纹无犯罪记录证明

目前居住在韩国的申请人可通过本公司 The Fingerprint Room Inc. 申请。韩国的很多警察局提供实时电子指纹扫描服务。申请人可通过这些警察局将指纹采集完成,并把纸质原件邮寄到我们在 BC 省列治文的办公室开始无犯罪记录的申请。 本公司也提供韩国驻加拿大大使馆的领事认证、公证服务,面向需要申请韩国留学工作、居留、签证的客户。 如果您有其他的问题或是想了解更多有关我们服务的详细信息,可以通过邮件或者电话联系我们。 For domestic clients, contact us at: +1-604-447-2485 For international clients, contact us at: +1-844-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at a location near you: https://thefingerprintroom.com/book-now/ [...]

How to obtain RCMP criminal record checks from South Korea

Applicants who are currently living in South Korea can apply with The Fingerprint Room Inc. for their Canadian RCMP criminal record checks. Many police stations in South Korea offer livescan fingerprinting services. Applicants can have their fingerprints taken at these police stations and mail the hardcopy printout to our office in Richmond BC to start the process. [...]

Korean Embassy Authentication for RCMP Certified Criminal Record Check Certificates

Canadians who are currently applying or renewing their visitor/work visa in Korea is required to submit a RCMP fingerprint-based certified criminal record check certificate to accompany their visa application. As they are foreigners and that the certificate is issued by Canada, authentication by the Korean Embassy in Canada is required for the certificate. At the Fingerprint Room [...]

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