RCMP Accredited Fingerprint Company For Clients Within Canada & Overseas.

1-844-447-2485 | contact@thefingerprintroom.com

How long does an RCMP background check take?

RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) are the federal and national police across Canada and they provide different services. One of the services the RCMP provides is a Certified Criminal Record Check using fingerprints for various occasions such as Canadian Immigration, foreign immigration, employment and more. The Fingerprint Room Inc. is one of the best Canadian [...]

Canadian RCMP criminal record check from Australia

Follow the steps below to obtain your Canadian RCMP certified criminal record check from Australia. Fingerprinting in Australia can be done at your local police stations or other private fingerprinting agencies. Apply online with us to create your file before sending in your fingerprinting form. Then complete the Canadian RCMP Certified Criminal Record Check. Scan two valid pieces of government issued [...]

Fingerprinting in Australia during lockdown

To apply for your RCMP fingerprint based criminal record check with a RCMP accredited fingerprinting agency, you will need to obtain a hard copy of your fingerprints. Police stations in Australia offer ink and digital fingerprinting services on their official forms (specifics depend on which state of Australia you are located). However due to recent COVID-19 lockdowns in Australia, [...]

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