Fingerprinting is a critical service that plays a vital role in the criminal justice system. It involves the collection of unique biometric data from an individual, which is then used to identify them and match against a database of known prints. There are two primary methods of taking fingerprints: digital livescan and manual ink printing. Here, we will explore the differences between the two methods.

Manual ink printing is the traditional method of taking fingerprints. It involves the use of an ink pad and physical fingerprint card. A skilled technician rolls the fingertips of the individual being fingerprinted onto the ink pad and then presses them onto the fingerprint card, leaving behind an ink impression of their fingerprints. This method is time-consuming and can take up to 10 minutes to complete, depending on the number of prints required.

Digital livescan is a modern method of taking fingerprints. It involves the use of an electronic scanner, which captures an image of the fingerprints. The scanner uses a prism or a glass plate to obtain a high-resolution image of the print, which is then saved electronically. This method is much faster than manual ink printing, with the entire process taking less than five minutes.

Police fingerprinting agencies often use manual ink printing to obtain fingerprints. The technician must use the correct pressure and consistency of ink to produce high-quality prints. The ink can be messy and difficult to clean off, which can be a problem for individuals with sensitive skin or allergies to ink. However, manual ink printing remains a reliable method of obtaining fingerprints, and many agencies still use it.

Fingerprint agencies often use digital livescan because it is cleaner and less messy than manual ink printing. There is no ink involved, which makes it more comfortable for individuals who have sensitive skin or allergies. Digital livescan is also a more accurate and efficient method.

At The Fingerprint Room Inc. we provide both ink and digital fingerprinting services. Our technicians are well trained and experienced. Should you need to inquire about our services please feel free to send us an email to Contact or call us toll free at 1-844-447-2485.

For domestic clients, contact us at: +1-604-447-2485

For international clients, contact us at: +1-844-447-2485

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