As most police stations in mainland China do not offer fingerprint services, our applicants in China often need to have their fingerprints taken through the notary office in their city. Based on actual experiences by our previous clients, we summarized the basic procedures for fingerprinting so applicants for RCMP and FBI background checks can use this guide as reference.

Applicants first need to download the fingerprint form from our company’s websites. Applicants for RCMP criminal record check needs to download the C216 form while applicants for FBI background check should use the FD-258 form. The forms can be printed on a piece of A4 paper in black and white. The personal information section on the forms should be completed in English according to the requirement on the form.

At the notary office the applicant can choose to either have the notary take their fingerprints, or take their own fingerprints under the notary’s witness. Please use black ink only for fingerprinting, and make sure the format of your fingerprints matches with those on the sample. Most notaries in China will not sign and stamp the form. In this case, please have the fingerprint form notarized. Notarized fingerprint form should be in a booklet with white cover, along with the Chinese and English version of the notarization letter.

After fingerprinting please first email us a scan or picture of the completed form to verify the format. Once confirmed, please follow the instructions, and mail the hardcopy to our office.

Our website has listed out the notary offices in China, please feel free to take a look.

Useful links and forms:

For domestic clients, contact us at: 604-447-2485

For international clients, contact us at: 1-844-447-2485

For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to:

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