RCMP Accredited Fingerprint Company For Clients Within Canada & Overseas.

1-844-447-2485 | (604) 447-2485 | contact@thefingerprintroom.com

How to Obtain Canadian Police Clearance from Calgary AB?

Are you currently living in Calgary and require fingerprinting services for a Canadian police clearance for your visa, citizenship, immigration, employment, licensing, security clearance, Canadian record suspension, US wavier, legal name change, etc.? The Fingerprint Room is here to assist you! We are accredited by the RCMP, allowing for a fast and direct transmission of your fingerprints for a RCMP [...]

Different Fingerprinting Services in Canada

Fingerprinting is a critical service that plays a vital role in the criminal justice system. It involves the collection of unique biometric data from an individual, which is then used to identify them and match against a database of known prints. There are two primary methods of taking fingerprints: digital livescan and manual ink printing. Here, we will explore [...]

IRCC Resuming Biometrics Collection for Temporary Resident Applications

Recently, the Government of Canada has announced on Feb. 23rd, 2023 that individuals applying for temporary residence (TR) within Canada must resume collecting biometrics for their application. This resumption comes after 2 years when Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduced a temporary exemption policy because of COVID-19 pandemic closures. The resumption of biometrics impacts all [...]

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