RCMP Accredited Fingerprint Company For Clients Within Canada & Overseas.

1-844-447-2485 | (604) 447-2485 | contact@thefingerprintroom.com

Fingerprinting For Hong Kong No Criminal Conviction

Former and current Hong Kong resident will be asked to provide a Hong Kong certificate of no criminal conviction when applying for another country or region’s visa, immigration, and employment opportunities. Applicants outside of Hong Kong will need to have their fingerprints taken locally, and mail the fingerprint hardcopy back to Hong Kong for their application. [...]


The Fingerprint Room Inc.提供电子扫描采集与印泥墨水采集的指纹服务。使用本公司指纹服务的客户往往需要将指纹用于其他国家的无犯罪记录证明申请。 电子扫描采集的指纹在质量方面较高。除此之外,我们的仪器可以自动评判每一个指纹的质量,并在检测到质量不足时告知我们的员工。本公司的许多客户使用此类指纹申请例如美国FBI无犯罪记录证明和香港无犯罪记录证明的外国文件。 印泥墨水手动采集的指纹经常被用于申请例如伊朗,墨西哥等国家的无犯罪记录证明。同时遇到像南非等拥有特别格式指纹卡的国家时,印泥墨水手动采集将更加灵活适用。 电子扫描采集和印泥墨水手动采集的指纹都会由本公司经验丰富的专业人士进行,保证您的指纹质量。如果因为指纹质量原因导致您的申请被拒,只要您能提供相关的书面证明,我们可以免费给您重新采集指纹。 For direct contact, call us at: 604-447-2485 For questions or concerns, email your enquiries to: contact@thefingerprintroom.com To book an appointment at a location near you: https://thefingerprintroom.com/book-now/ To apply for security clearance online: https://thefingerprintroom.com/fingerprinting-for-security-clearance/ [...]

Ink & Digital Fingerprinting: Their Use and Differences

The Fingerprint Room Inc. offers accredited fingerprinting via both ink and digital live scan. Clients who have used fingerprinting services usually need them to apply for a foreign country’s background check. Digital live scan tends to produce fingerprints of higher quality. In addition, the machine will automatically determine the quality for each impression taken and [...]

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