RCMP Accredited Fingerprint Company For Clients Within Canada & Overseas.

1-844-447-2485 | (604) 447-2485 | contact@thefingerprintroom.com

RCMP Accredited Fingerprinting Services for Canadian Citizenship from Outside of Canada

Do I need Fingerprints for Canadian Citizenship Application if I Live Outside of Canada? If you are currently living outside of Canada and are applying for a Canadian Citizenship, you require a RCMP Criminal Record Check with fingerprints. A Canadian Citizenship requires a criminal record check with fingerprints from every country that you have lived in for more than [...]

Fingerprinting Services in Canada for Canadian Citizenship Applications

Do I need to get my fingerprinting done for Canadian Citizenship? If you have lived in Canada for more than 6 months and are applying for a Canadian Citizenship, you need to get your fingerprints done to obtain Canadian RCMP criminal record check to submit to the citizenship office. Canadian Citizenship application requires a criminal record check with [...]

How to Easily Apply for a RCMP Criminal Record Check outside Canada

Regardless of if you are a Canadian citizen or not, if you have spent more than six months in Canada, then for your visa or immigration application to any country, you will be required to provide a Canadian RCMP criminal record check. For Canadian permanent residency especially, a Canadian RCMP criminal record check is required in most cases. [...]

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