How to get fingerprinting in China for Non-Criminal Record Check

This article is for the purpose to clarify the procedure on how to properly take fingerprints for the clients who living in China applying for RCMP Certified Criminal Record Check through our agency. In most countries, the police offer fingerprinting service and will sign on the fingerprint form, however, in China local police station do not offer this service. To solve this issue, there are two type of agencies that people living in China can go to have their fingerprints taken for a non-criminal record check: notary public, or any certified institute of forensic science(司法鉴定所/司法鉴定中心).

*Please note that all fingerprints must be taken by black ink.  

Any Notary Public:

The notary will witness the applicant take their own fingerprints and they will provide notarization letter certifying that the fingerprints are legitimate.  Both the notary stamp and the signature of the staff who performed the task will be on the notarized letter or a booklet, and they will not put the information directly on the fingerprint card.

Any Certified Institute of Forensic Science(司法鉴定所/司法鉴定中心)

At a certified forensic science institution, trained professionals will assist you in having your fingerprints taken on the fingerprint card. They will then sign and stamp their agency stamp on the appropriate section in the fingerprint card.

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