Background Check For Uber and Lyft

Do you need a Canadian criminal background check to work for Lyft or Uber?

BC have now been approved for Uber and Lyft to operate as a legal ride-sharing service, and a lot of drivers are excited for this opportunity. To become Uber or Lyft driver, a Canadian Criminal Background Check is required. In addition to obtaining a Canadian Criminal Background Check, the driver may also need an operating licence to drive for Uber or Lyft depending on the municipality the driver is located.

Where can you have your fingerprints taken for a RCMP background check to work for Lyft or Uber?

The Fingerprint Room Inc. is a RCMP accredited fingerprinting agency that can assist you in obtaining a RCMP background check so that you can become an Uber or Lyft driver. We can digitize your fingerprints and submit to the RCMP using our direct connection with CCRTIS to help you complete your Canadian Criminal Background Check. An updated RCMP background check is needed every year to renew. Please contact us at on how we can help you further.

How to obtain RCMP background check for Uber drivers?

  1. Book your appointment near you:
  1. Bring 2 pieces of valid government issued IDs in English.
  2. Have your fingerprints scanned directly into the RCMP system
  3. Wait for your certificate to come in mail

*For clients overseas, please apply with us online for international fingerprinting service.